‘The rediscovery of ancient wisdom.’
Long-lasting, solvent free paint has been used in the harsh Scandinavian environment since the 18th century. Penetrates, nourishes and protects wood.
Single pot paint system: use the same paint for all coats.
Semi-gloss exterior and interior high quality ‘single - pot’ paint system, you use the same paint for all coats. Suitable for use on wood, metal (window & door furniture), corrugated sheet (steel/ aluminium), & plastic.
For exterior use it is always recommended to add zinc oxide. This offers greater resistance to dirt, pollen, algae and mould as wellas speeding up the drying process.
Application: Apply thin coats with a natural brush.
Coverage: 15 – 20m² per litre, depending on surface.
Drying time: Approximately 24 hours at room temperature. Ventilate well.
Thin with: If necessary, boiled linseed oil up to max 5%.
Clean-up: Linseed soap & water. Store brushes hanging in raw linseed oil.